HOA Director Code of Conduct
/Western Slope HOA Management, LLC would support including this document with newly appointed / elected Board Members. The importance of the BOD dynamics are often overlooked when busy volunteers get "drafted" to terms. To make the volunteered time more enjoyable and productive, everyone should be "on board" with these simple ideas.
HOA Director Code of Conduct
As a Director elected to serve the interests of my Homeowner Association, I agree to:
- Act in the Community's Interests. Directors will strive for the common good of the HOA, foregoing personal interests. Personal agendas will be left at home.
- Engage in Lawful Acts. All Board actions will comply with the governing documents ad Colorado law. To accomplish this requires thoughtful deliberation and input of knowledgeable professionals.
- Maintain High Standards of Conduct. Director's conduct should b above reproach and avoid the appearance of impropriety.
- Demonstrate Mutual Respect. Directors will address each other and homeowners with respect, even when in disagreement.
- Attend All Board Meetings. Effectiveness is based on keeping informed and making informed decisions. This is made possible by attending meetings where decisions are made.
- Be Prepared. Directors will come prepared to meetings by reviewing the agenda and related materials before the meeting.
- Keep Focused. Directors will listen attentively and courteously to demonstrate respect and willingness to learn.
- Maintain Confidentiality. Directors will not share highly sensitive information and will respect the privacy of all owners.
- Maintain a Supportive Attitude. Directors will encourage owners, employees, managers and contractors to promote better performance and teamwork.
- Be Loyal. Directors will respect the authority of the Board by not undermining majority decisions and enacted policy.
- Respect the Rules. Directors will obey the homeowner association rules to set a positive example to others. Directors are not "above the law".
- Pay Assessments on Time. Directors will remain current in all charges and will not expect special treatment.
- Promote Harmony. Directors will promote harmony in act, word and deed.
I have read and understand the HOA Director Code of Conduct. I agree to comply with these rules.
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